Ongoing bridle course on the market in Visby.

2 courses - Course in covering bottles and course in carpets

I give two different courses; covering bottles and how to make rugs. Covering involves wrapping objects with rope.
I organize courses myself on Styrsö and in Visby, but you can also gather a group (5-8 people) and I can come to you.

Course in covering of bottles

The covering course lasts 3-5 hours (until you finish). The purpose of the course is not to make the coolest bottle, but to learn the different steps, so you make a small bottle (33cl) with a rather sparse filling so you can try the different steps. Most people usually finish their bottle in time.
In addition to the covering itself, one must learn to start, join ropes in a few ways and finish in a few ways. The binding's knots can also be varied a lot to create different patterns.
All materials you need are included (bottle and rope), tools can be borrowed. This course is usually given several times during the Medieval Week in Visby, see the Other/Tränskurs tab during the Medieval Week.
On the course in covering a bottle, you make a small, simple bottle, 33cl, so you learn the different steps. The bottles above use 6/2 (approx. 3mm) and 6/3 (approx. 2mm) rope respectively.

Course on Carpets

A slightly longer course which is usually given in 3 occasions of about 4-5 hours (the first 2 occasions until you are finished, third you sometimes have to finish at home) but I also give it with only the 1st or 1+2nd occasion. You make a small mat each time with increasing difficulty. For practical reasons, we work with approx. 4mm rope so the mats are more underlay in size. But with the knowledge you gain, you can in principle also make large rugs. All tools are provided during the course.
(Course price 2024: SEK 1,800 + a ball of rope for approx. SEK 400.

First meeting you make a mat consisting of 7 ropes, it makes it easier to have shorter ropes to work with and when you make a mistake, there is not so much to unravel. The carpet also grows outwards all the time, i.e. you can lay the innermost lap first and then the outer ones outside the inner ones. With its square repeating pattern and relatively short ropes (approx. 1.8m/piece), it is quite easy to lay, everyone usually finishes their mat during the meeting.

The second meeting we make a round mat that only has one rope, 11.5m long. This mat also alternates, i.e. you cannot put the innermost lap first because the rope alternates between inner and outer laps during one lap. A little more difficult, but everyone usually makes it, even if you sometimes have to unravel. After this time, you have learned "everything" about making small rugs, i.e. you have come across all the different laying techniques and how to start and finish.

The third meeting many makes a "roses mat". It is a slightly larger, rather beautiful rug that you sometimes don't have time to finish in 4-5 hours. Or you make a slightly larger oval carpet.

Both courses can be extended. On the mat course, you can work with coarser rope (6-10mm) and make mats that can be used as an entrance mat, for example. Some special tools and techniques are required when the roughness of the ropes increases, which are not needed when working with 4mm rope.

The first meeting you make a square mat with 7 ropes (a 5x5 mat above). Second meeting you make a round with one rope (a 10R below).
The third time you can choose between a few different carpets, many make a rose carpet, below.